4.1. Sets 83
TheintersectionofAandB, denotedA\B, consists of all elements that
appear inbothAandB. That is,
x 2 A\B IFF x 2 AANDx 2 B:
So,X\Y Df2;3g.
Theset differenceofAandB, denotedA B, consists of all elements that
are inA, but not inB. That is,
x 2 A B IFF x 2 AANDx...B:
So,X Y Df 1 gandY XDf 4 g.
Often all the sets being considered are subsets of a known domain of discourse,
D. Then for any subset,A, ofD, we defineAto be the set of all elements ofDnot
inA. That is,
The setAis called thecomplementofA. So
For example, if the domain we’re working with is the integers, the complement
of the nonnegative integers is the set of negative integers:
We can use complement to rephrase subset in terms of equality
ABis equivalent toA\BD;:
4.1.3 Power Set
The set of all the subsets of a set,A, is called thepower set, pow.A/, ofA. So
B 2 pow.A/ IFF BA:
For example, the elements of pow.f1;2g/are;;f 1 g;f 2 gandf1;2g.
More generally, ifAhasnelements, then there are 2 nsets in pow.A/—see The-
orem 4.5.5. For this reason, some authors use the notation 2 Ainstead of pow.A/.