Science - USA (2021-10-29)

(Antfer) #1

maximum doping level and charge carrier
density of the polymer due to the existence of
(bi-)polarons ( 30 , 31 ). The plasmon resonance
is fully turned ON with the highest possible
modulation (red curve). The peak wavelength
shifts slightly blue to ~2.2mm. Notably, ap-
plying a negative voltage of−1 V (blue curve)
turns the antenna resonance entirely OFF, with

no remaining resonant light interaction. The
PEDOT:PSS is completely reduced (i.e., in
the neutral state) and hence is dielectric in
the studied IR spectral range.
The switching speed of our metallic polymer
nanoantennas is investigated in Fig. 2C. The
antennas are switched between ON and OFF
states at applied voltages of +1 V and−1V

while the transmitted intensity is recorded. The
bottom graphs (gray curves) show the voltage
applied to the polymer nanoantennas (±1 V),
and the corresponding modulated transmitted
intensity is depicted in the top graphs (green
curves). The left graphs in Fig. 2C illustrate
f= 1 Hz, confirming full transitions between the

614 29 OCTOBER 2021¥VOL 374 ISSUE 6567 science.orgSCIENCE





Fig. 3. Metallic polymer plasmonic metasurface for ultrahigh-contrast
active beam steering.(A) The metallic polymer metasurface is switchable
between the OFF state (−1 V, left) and the ON state (+1 V, right), thus allowing
beam steering with a 100% contrast ratio in the diffracted beam. (Band
C) Spectrum and SEM image of the pristine metasurface with a superperiod of
15 mm (diffraction anglef¼ 10 :2°,L= 380 nm,W= 160 nm,H= 90 nm,
Px,y= 500 nm). TM (transverse magnetic) plasmonic nanoantenna resonance
peaking at 2.65mm [laser wavelength in (D) to (F)]. (DandE) (Left) Schematics

of the measurement setup and beam-steering concept. The metasurface is
turned ON and OFF while the transmitted and diffracted beams are recorded
using an IR camera. (Right) Camera images and intensity profiles in the (D) ON
and (E) OFF states. The diffracted beam (right peak) at +10.2° vanishes
completely for−1V.(F) Selected IR camera images showing three cycles of
active beam steering when the applied voltage is cycled in situ between−1 V and
+1 V. The intensity of the diffracted beam (right spots) can be continuously
varied depending on the applied voltage. t, time.


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