
(Darren Dugan) #1


applies (this perception) to his own body thus: ‘Truly, this body,
too, is of the same nature, such it will become, it will not escape
that state.
“Thus he lives contemplating the body ... clinging to naught
in this world.
[(2) Contemplation on Feelings (vedanánupassaná)]

“A disciple, when experiencing a pleasant feeling, understands, ‘I
am experiencing a pleasant feeling.’
“A disciple, when experiencing a painful feeling, under-
stands, ‘I am experiencing a painful feeling.’
“A disciple, when experiencing a neutral feeling, under-
stands, ‘I am experiencing a neutral feeling.’
“A. disciple, when experiencing a, pleasant worldly feeling
(sámisa), understands, ‘I am experiencing a pleasant worldly
“A disciple, when experiencing a painful worldly feeling,
understands, ‘I am experiencing a painful worldly feeling.’
“A disciple, when experiencing a neutral worldly feeling,
understands, ‘I am experiencing a neutral worldly feeling.’
““A disciple, when experiencing a pleasant unworldly
(nirámisa) feeling understands, ‘I am experiencing a pleasant
unworldly feeling.’
“A disciple, when experiencing a painful unworldly feeling,
understands, ‘I am experiencing a painful unworldly feeling.’
“A disciple, whn experiencing a neutral unworldly feeling,
understands, ‘I experience a neutral unworldly feeling.’
“Thus he lives contemplating the feelings internally or exter-
nally, or both internally and externally.
“He lives contemplating the arising nature of feelings, the
perishing nature of feelings, the arising and perishing nature of
“Now there arises in him the mindfulness—there exist only
feelings to the extent necessary ... in this world.
“ [(3) Contemplation on states of mind (cittánupassaná)]
“A disciple knows the mind with lust (raga) as with lust, knows the
mind without lust as lust-free. He knows the mind with hate (dosa)
as with hate. He knows the mind without hate as hate-free. He
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