WANTED TO SEEif I could build a high quality, eye-catching
model that would be competitive on any show table. That’s chal-
lenging enough, but I also wanted to see if I could finish that same
model using spray cans instead of an airbrush. Why? We live in an
era where many modelers think spray cans are amateurish and
imprecise, and that the only way to build a killer model is to use an
airbrush. I’m here to tell you, “It just ain’t so!” There are a lot of
good reasons to use aerosol paint.
Perhaps you’re a beginner who just wants to break through the
orange peel barrier and build consistently nice models you’ll be
proud to put on your shelf. Aerosol is for you. Perhaps you have a
family or demanding job and consequently don’t have a lot of time
for modeling. Aerosol is for you. Heck, you could be a burned-out
veteran contest winner who just wants to get back to the enjoyable
roots of modeling. Surprisingly, aerosol may be for you!
Today there are many excellent aerosol paints available for car
modelers, more than we’ve ever seen in the long history of our
hobby. Testors rules the roost with an excellent selection of both
stock and custom colors in enamels, and Tamiya’s
new lacquers have sweetened the pot
considerably. Adding spice to the
mix is the incredibly expansive array
of commercially available paints
offered by manufacturers such as
Great paint from
spray cans
Part I: Simple steps to a
glass-smooth paint job