Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1


Balloon angioplasty
Resection of the coarcted portion with end-to-end anastomosis of the
Enlargement of the constricted section by a graft prosthetic

Nursing Interventions for Child Undergoing Cardiac


Prepare the patient for cardiac catheterization:

  • Take complete nursing history.

  • Patient must be NPO for 4 to 6 hours.

  • Complete assessment including calculation of body surface area.

  • Check for allergies; allergies to iodine, contrast dyes, and shellfish
    should be relayed to the physician prior to the procedure.

  • Document baseline assessment of pedal pulses and pulse oximetry.

  • Utilize child life specialists to alleviate anxiety for the child and family.

  • Arrange a tour of the lab with the child if age appropriate.

  • Explain specific aspects of the procedure such as the placement of
    the IV and ECG electrodes.

  • Demonstrate how the skin will be washed with brown soap and how
    the skin will be numbed.

  • Explain how the contrast affects the patient and how sedation will
    make the child feel.
    Care of the patient after cardiac catheterization:

  • Monitor patient with cardiac monitor and pulse oximeter prior to

  • Monitor the patient for
    Temperature and color distal to the catheter insertion site
    A pulse of the extremity distal to the catheter insertion site

  • Take vital signs every 15 minutes for the first hour and hourly

  • Monitor for trends and assess for possible hypotension, tachycardia,
    and bradycardia.

  • Check the pressure dressing for evidence of bleeding.

  • Observe for bleeding at the insertion site or evidence of hematoma.

  • Monitor intake and output for diuresis from contrast material.

  • The patient and family should be provided with education upon
    discharge to
    Observe the site for signs of inflammation and infection
    Monitor for fever
    Avoid strenuous activities for a few days
    Avoid tub baths for 48 to 72 hours
    Use acetaminophen or ibuprofen for discomfort



CHAPTER 6/ Cardiovascular Conditions^109

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