Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1

Nursing Intervention

Promote adherence to treatment regimen.
Support child during illness and distressing treatments.
 Promote child and family coping:

  • Anticipate adolescent concerns related to appearance.
    Monitor closely for complications of the condition and treatment:

  • Multiple transfusions and iron buildup

  • Infection postsplenectomy
     Genetic counseling:

  • Encourage testing of siblings to allow for childbearing planning.

  • Explain that each pregnancy when both parents are carriers presents
    a 25% chance a child will be born with the disease and a 50% chance
    the child will have the thalassemia trait.

  • Refer for counseling and family planning if additional childbearing
    is desired.

  • Discuss alternative parenting options—insemination, adoption...


The hematology system is responsible for red blood cells that provide oxygen
and nutrients to the cells of the body and white blood cells that protect the
body from infections as well as the platelets and other clotting mechanisms
that control bleeding. Conditions that impact the production of blood cells
can cause a deficiency and result in poor tissue oxygenation and nourishment,
and conditions that result in decreased clotting factors or platelets contribute
to bleeding problems. Key information discussed in this chapter includes the
Aplastic anemia results when the bone marrow is damaged and production
of red and white blood cells and platelets is noted.
Pallor is a common sign of anemia due to vasoconstriction and low red
blood cells.
Decreased red blood cells result in decreased cell oxygenation leading
to fatigue.
Low blood oxygen levels leads to tachycardia and tachypnea in an
attempt to increase blood and oxygen supply to tissues.
Emotional support is needed to encourage the child to continue to function
to the maximum within limitations.
A thorough history and physical can provide critical data for diagnosis
and treatment planning.
Possible causes of anemia include genetically transmitted traits for
defective or absent blood elements or clotting factors.



(^142) Pediatric Nursing Demystified

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