Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1

(^144) Pediatric Nursing Demystified

  1. Vasopressin would be a major treatment for which condition?
    a. Beta-thalassemia
    b. Iron deficiency anemia
    c. Hemophilia
    d. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

  2. What is the most common reason a nurse could provide to a young girl in
    vasoocclusive sickle cell crisis regarding the need for the infusion of large vol-
    umes of fluid? The fluid is necessary to do which of the following?
    a. Provide the iron to replace depleted stores.
    b. Infuse nutrients that will help her to fight the infection in her body.
    c. Increase her energy so she will not be as tired.
    d. Help her blood flow better to reduce blockages that cause pain.

  3. What is a primary reason why iron deficiency anemia is common during
    a. Unfortified cow’s milk is a poor iron source.
    b. Iron is not stored during fetal development.
    c. Fetal iron stores are exhausted by 1 month of age.
    d. Dietary iron cannot be started until 12 months of age.

  4. Which statement best describes iron deficiency anemia in infants?
    a. Destruction of bone marrow and hematopoietic system depression is involved.
    b. It is easily diagnosed because of infant’s frail, emaciated appearance.
    c. It results from an inadequate intake of milk and the premature addition of solid
    d. Decreased red blood cells lead to reduction in the amount of oxygen available to

  5. The nurse should include what information when teaching the mother of a
    8-month-old infant about administering liquid iron preparations?
    a. Stop immediately if nausea and vomiting occur.
    b. Administer iron with meals to help absorption.
    c. Adequate dosage will turn the stools a tarry green color.
    d. Allow preparation to mix with saliva and bathe the teeth before swallowing.

  6. In what condition is the normal adult hemoglobin partly or completely replaced
    by abnormal hemoglobin?
    a. Aplastic anemia
    b. Sickle cell anemia
    c. Iron deficiency anemia
    d. Thalassemia major

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