Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1
Postoperative care:

  • Recovery period is rapid.

  • Support is needed if renal function is severely compromised.

  • General abdominal surgery care is performed:
    Pulmonary hygiene—cough, deep breathing.
    Monitor for complications: Bleeding, infection.

  • Monitor for signs of complications of chemotherapy:
    Intestinal obstruction from adynamic ileus from vincristine, post-
    surgical adhesions, or edema.
    Nausea and vomiting, abdominal distention.
    Play therapy should include age-appropriate activities to entertain and
    distract child.
    Involve child and family in care planning.
    Because child is often left with one kidney, activity restrictions may
    include no contact sports or high-risk activity.
    Genitourinary care and hygiene taken to prevent infection, monitor for
    signs of infection.

Family-Centered Care

Explain the symptoms that may result from preoperative radiation or

  • Discussion regarding hair loss can be postponed until after surgery
    because onset of alopecia occurs 2 weeks after onset of treatment.
    Support child and family through diagnosis, treatment/surgery, and

  • Let family and child ventilate concerns and fears;, refer for counsel-
    ing as needed.


CHAPTER 8/ Oncology Conditions^165

  1. Will Bason, age 3, was admitted with a parental complaint “problems peeing.” The nurse
    would suspect a Wilms tumor if what assessment finding was noted?
    a. Pale yellow urine in urine bag
    b. Pallor and lethargy noted
    c. Pink oral mucosa
    d. Soft tender area on the left flank

  2. The nurse should provide __ __ including age- appropriate activities to enter-
    tain and distract the young child during cancer treatment.


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