Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1

Diet and Rituals

Ask the client and family about preferences because not all individuals
from a cultural group practice the same rituals.
Determine food preferences and relay information to dietician to promote
offering of appropriate meal choices.
Instruct family regarding dietary restrictions secondary to medical
condition and if desired allow them to supply desired foods if otherwise
Instruct family to notify you regarding any foods or supplements provided
to the client to avoid harmful drug–substance interaction.
Consult family prior to removal of jewelry, bedside structures, or ointments
from the client or the room to avoid disruption of religious or cultural
ritual for luck or well-being.

CHAPTER 1/ Families and Communities^9

  1. The basic concepts of family and community dynamics include which of the following?
    a. Family support as a needed constant
    b. Family roles restricted to mother and father
    c. Family advocacy that enables families to maintain a sense of control
    d. a and c only

  2. If a client is experiencing an underarm rash and touching the arm of a child by
    nonfamilymember is forbidden in the culture, how would you examine the child?
    What explanation would you need to provide about touching that is required for
    proper assessment?



Factors related to family and community can positively or negatively impact
the care of the pediatric client. You should deliver family-centered care to ensure
that support systems are maximized and not disrupted so the client receives
needed support throughout the illness and the return to the home and community.
Note these key points:
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