Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1
Assessment of family and community provides the nurse with a full
picture of risks that threaten and benefits that are available to promote
the health of the pediatric client.
Collaboration with community resources is key to a successful transition
from hospital to the home or community setting, particularly for children
with special needs.
Cultural and ethnic preferences should be considered and accommodated
when possible.
The nurse should not impose cultural norms and preferences on the

(^10) Pediatric Nursing Demystified

  1. Felecia’s mother has no family to support her during her child’s illness. The nurse
    would speak with the social worker about services to support which type of
    a. Nuclear
    b. Single parent
    c. Extended
    d. Reconstituted

  2. What type of community assessment should be done to determine if Dawn,
    a 5-year-old who is blind after a recent accident, should be discharged home?
    a. Home
    b. Neighborhood
    c. School
    d. All of the above

  3. Ifehi is a 12-year-old from Brazil. Her mother asked for a female nurse because
    unmarried females in their culture cannot be touched by males who are not family
    members. How should the nurse respond?
    a. Tell the mother that Ifehi has to request a female nurse because she is an adolescent.
    b. Inform the physician of the request and wait for an order to schedule female nurses
    for Ifehi.
    c. Introduce the male staff nurses so that Ifehi and her mother can become accustomed
    to them.
    d. Adjust the assignments as much as possible to provide female nurses to care for


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