Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1



Signs of Possible Developmental Delays:

Potential Illness or Injury

Accidents are the leading cause of death in children—falls, drowning,
motor vehicle (pedestrian or passenger in car), and poisoning.
Communicable diseases, intestinal parasite infections, conjunctivitis,
and stomatitis are common conditions during this developmental stage.
Accidental poison ingestion is a serious concern for this age group.
Lead poisoning can be a concern for children in environments with lead-
based paint.
Physical or emotional abuse or neglect and sexual abuse can present a
concern for some children.


Unless contraindicated by physical condition, provide opportunities for
child to climb and jump.
Provide sedentary activities that allow the child to accomplish a task,
such as building blocks, puzzles, and clay, when condition requires
decreased activity.
Nursing care and patient teaching addressing the detection, prevention
of transmission, and eradication of communicable diseases, and prevention
of complications is important.
Evaluate environment for risk factors for lead paint ingestion and assess
for signs of lead poisoning.
Poison prevention education and practices, as well as instruction on
emergency measure in the event of accidental poisoning, should be provided
to parents.
Assessment of parent–child interactions, family dynamics, and environ-
mental factors should be performed and support data collected as evidence
if suspicion of any form of abuse is present.

School-Aged Child

Age range: 5 to 9 years (6 to 11 years)

Physical Milestones

Growth is slower than during the preschool period.
Growth is even and steady with weight gain approximately 5 pounds
per year.
Children are graceful and steady on their feet.



CHAPTER 2/ Growth and Development^21

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