Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1
By the end of the period, boys and girls double their strength and physical
Decreased head circumference relative to height; proportional appearance.
Loss of baby teeth and appearance of larger adult teeth is noted.
Body systems, including immune system, gastrointestinal system, bladder
capacity, and heart, become mature.
Bones are still developing and are subject to structural changes from
Girls may begin to experience secondary sex characteristics at the end
of this period as they progress toward adolescence.

Social Milestones

Develop confidence in the security of the family and begin to explore
relationships outside of family.
Peer group becomes important, but parents are primary influence.
Motivated by a sense of accomplishment; desires to complete task.
Sense of success or failure has a strong impact on this age group.

Emotional Growth

Greater understanding of complex emotions such as pride, shame, and
personal responsibility; moral standards become more established.
Understands ability to experience more than one emotion at a time.
Considers events that contribute to emotional state.
Greater ability to control emotions and responses; can conceal emotions.
Uses strategies to redirect feelings.

(^22) Pediatric Nursing Demystified

  1. What activity would be appropriate for Andy, age 4, who is hospitalized for dehydration
    following a prolonged respiratory infection?
    a. A question game with his talking bear
    b. Solitary play with a colorful rattle
    c. A game of scrabble with a friend
    d. Group play with peers his age

  2. Dawn, age 2, is noted to have slight respiratory distress and continues to rub her
    nose. What might the nurse suspect is the problem, and what assessment should be


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