Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1

Language Development

Able to communicate complex thoughts

Cognitive Development

Thinks about one’s own thoughts and emotions



Signs of Possible Developmental Delays

Depression may be noted with higher levels in girls than boys.

  • Poor peer relations, depressed or emotionally unavailable parents,
    parental marital conflict or financial problems, family disruption
    through divorce, poor self-image are contributing factors.
    Memory deficits and learning disorders may be a result of drug use or
    mental illness.
    Suicide ideation may manifest.

  • Preoccupation with themes of death

  • Talks of own death and desire to die

  • Loss of energy; exhaustion without cause

  • Flat affect; distant from others, social withdrawal

  • Antisocial or reckless behavior: alcohol, drugs, sexual promiscuity, fights

  • Change in appetite noted

  • Sleeping pattern changes noted: too little or too much

  • Decreased interest or decreased ability to concentrate

  • Gives away cherished items

Potential Illness or Injury

Risky behaviors, encouraged by peer pressure (i.e., violence/homicide,
reckless driving, excessive and unprotected sexual intercourse, and ado-
lescent pregnancy, smoking, substance abuse) are major causes of death
and injury in adolescents.
Mental health problems including depression, suicide, and eating disorders
can lead to adolescent death and disability.
Chronic illness requiring dietary intervention or a medication regimen
can result in decreased self-esteem due to feeling of being different from
and less “normal” than peers.
Poor eating practices and decreased exercise contribute to obesity or
Facial and body acne, aggravated by stress and hormones, is common in teens.

Nursing Implications

Effective interventions for teen clients must involve the teen in the planning
and implementation.



CHAPTER 2/ Growth and Development^27

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