Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1

CHAPTER 2/ Growth and Development^29

  1. A middle school nurse is teaching a class on sexual development to a group of
    11-year-old girls. Which physical changes should be expected when the girls reach
    Tanner stage 3 of development? Select all that apply.
    a. Height increases at a peak rate of 8 cm/year
    b. Breast buds palpable
    c. Pubic hairbecomes dark, coarse, and spreads over mons pubis
    d. Adult breast contour
    e. Acne vulgaris develops

  2. Which factors should be considered when a nurse assesses a client’s growth and
    development? Select all that apply.
    a. Food preferences
    b. Language skills
    c. Religious preference
    d. Changes in personality and emotions

  3. An 8-year-old client is admitted to the emergency department with a broken arm.
    A nurse prepares the client for discharge and provides information to the child’s
    parents regarding normal growth and development. Which information provided
    by the nurse is accurate regarding the development of an average 8-year-old
    a. Requires continuous adult supervision
    b. Is interested in the opposite sex
    c. Has little control over small muscles
    d. Is accident prone, especially on the playground

  4. At what age do infants usually develop “object permanence”?
    a. 1 to 3 months of age
    b. 4 to 7 months of age
    c. 8 to 10 months of age
    d. 10 to 12 months of age

  5. A nurse is assessing the development of a 2-year-old client in a wellness clinic.
    Which assessment finding is leasttypical for an average 2-year-old client?
    a. Constantly in motion and tires easily
    b. May assert self by saying, “No!”
    c. Plays with other children
    d. May have an imaginary playmate

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