Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1
Report undescended testes (cryptorchidism), urinary meatus that is not
central at the tip of the shaft of the penis, large scrotal sac (possible hernia),
or enlarged clitoris.

Culture alertFemale circumcision will produce a different genital appearance.
Note and report the appearance but try not to react and show disapproval.

If swelling, skin lesions, inflammation, drainage, or irregularities are
noted, report for follow-up assessment for possible sexually transmitted
disease (STD) or possible sexual abuse if STD noted in young child.
Anal protrusions, hemorrhoids, lesions, irritation, or mucosal tags should
be noted and may require follow-up.
Diaper rash should be noted for treatment.
Perianal itching might indicate the need for testing for pinworms.

Back and Extremities

Note any lack or difficulty in mobility, uneven stance, or gait that might
indicate uneven limbs or spinal curvature.
With child standing erect and again with child bending forward, note if
curvature of the spine (scoliosis) is present and report for further exam-
Report rigidity in spinal column with movement from supine to sitting
position that might indicate a neurologic problem (e.g., meningitis).
Bowlegs (genu varum) or knock knee (genu valgum) that is asymmetric
or extreme may indicate pathology and should be reported for further

CHAPTER 3/ Pediatric Assessment^43

  1. Current symptoms that determine why the child was brought in for treatment are
    called the ___ ____.

  2. Obesity is defined as being overweight. True/False?

  3. A bulging of the veins in the neck could indicate congestive heart failure.


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