Encyclopedia of Buddhism

(Elle) #1

Buddha S ́akyamuni and Scenes from the Life of Buddha,copper sculpture with traces of gilding, Nepal, twelfth century. Los Angeles
County Museum of Art, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Phillips. Reproduced by permission. The center of this image shows the Buddha
in the bhumispars ́a-mudraat the moment of his enlightenment beneath the bodhi tree. Beginning below the Buddha’s left knee, coun-
terclockwise, the events represented are: birth and first seven steps at Lumbinl; miracle at Sankisya; first sermon at Sarnath; monkey of-
fering honey; the Buddha’s parinirvanasurrounded by disciples; Buddha preaching to his mother; miracle at S ́ravastl; taming the mad
elephant; and the emaciated Buddha during his search for truth.

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