Encyclopedia of Buddhism

(Elle) #1

identify even more strongly with Buddhism. Many seek
to remember the dead through merit-making cere-
monies or to ease traumatic memories through medi-
tation practice. New global Buddhist ideas in the form
of ENGAGEDBUDDHISM(such as Buddhist-led care for
AIDS patients), human rights education, and conflict
mediation techniques, taught through the medium of
Buddhist concepts, are also reaching contemporary
Khmer Buddhists. One of the best-known monks of
the post-Khmer Rouge period, MahaGhosananda, a
student of Gandhian ideas, began leading peace
marches across Cambodia in 1989. These marches,
known as dhammayatra (dharma pilgrimages), have
crossed war zones and called attention to injustices in
contemporary society.

See also:Communism and Buddhism; Khmer, Bud-
dhist Literature in; Southeast Asia, Buddhist Art in


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Chanthou Boua. London: Zed Press; Armonk, NY: Sharpe,

Chandler, David. A History of Cambodia,3rd edition. Boulder,
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Penh, Cambodia: Université Buddhique Preah Sihanouk
Raj, 1961.

Coedès, George. The Indianized States of Southeast Asia,ed. Wal-
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Forest, Alain. Le culte des genies protecteurs au Cambodge: analyse
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Leclère, Adhémard. Le bouddhisme au Cambodge.Paris: E. Le-
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Mabbett, Ian, and Chandler, David. The Khmers.Oxford: Black-
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east Asia, Buddhist Art in


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