Encyclopedia of Buddhism

(Elle) #1

the many teachings of the Buddha have a single taste
everywhere, that of liberation. And as to the path by
which liberation is attained, Buddhists are fond of
quoting the verse (Udanavarga28.1):

Not doing any evil, accomplishing what is
Purifying one’s own mind: this is the teaching
of the Buddha.

See also:Agama/Nikaya; Apocrypha; Catalogues of
Scriptures; Councils, Buddhist; Languages; Scripture


Davidson, Ronald M. “An Introduction to the Standards of
Scriptural Authenticity in Indian Buddhism.” In Chinese
Buddhist Apocrypha,ed. Robert E. Buswell, Jr. Honolulu:
University of Hawaii Press, 1990.

Grönbold, Günter. Der buddhistische Kanon: Eine Bibliographie.
Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz, 1984.

Harrison, Paul. “A Brief History of the Tibetan Bka’ ’gyur.” In
Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre,ed. Roger Jackson and
José Cabezón. New York: Snow Lion, 1996.

Lamotte, Étienne. “La critique d’authenticité dans le boud-
dhisme.” In India Antiqua(1947): 213–222. Leiden, Nether-

lands: Brill, 1947. English translation by Sara Boin-Webb,
“The Assessment of Textual Authenticity in Buddhism.”
Buddhist Studies Review1, no. 1 (1983): 4–15.
Lamotte, Étienne. “La critique d’interprétation dans le boud-
dhisme.” Annuaire de l’Institut de Philologie et d’Histoire Ori-
entales et Slaves9 (1949): 341–361. English translation by
Sara Boin-Webb, “The Assessment of Textual Interpretation
in Buddhism.” In Buddhist Hermeneutics,ed. Donald S.
Lopez, Jr. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1988.

Lancaster, Lewis. “Buddhist Literature: Canonization.” In The
Encyclopedia of Religion,ed. Mircea Eliade, Vol. 2. New York:
Macmillan, 1986.
Norman, K. R. Pali Literature: Including the Canonical Litera-
ture in Prakrit and Sanskrit of All the Hlnayana Schools of
Buddhism.Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz, 1983.

Pagel, Ulrich. “Buddhism.” In Sacred Writings,ed. Jean Holm.
London and New York: Pinter, 1994.
Ray, Reginald. “Buddhism: Sacred Text Written and Realized.”
In The Holy Book in Comparative Perspective,ed. Frederick
M. Denny and Rodney L. Taylor. Columbia: University of
South Carolina Press, 1985.

von Hinüber, Oskar. A Handbook of Pali Literature.Berlin: de
Gruyter, 1996.



A Tibetan book, printed from hand-carved woodblocks. © Tiziana and Gianni Baldizzone/Corbis. Reproduced by permission.

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