Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1
Pulse oximetry (SpO 2 ): Device used to evaluate the degree of oxygen
saturation in the blood using a small infrared light probe. Oxygen saturation
Electrocardiogram: Detects electrical events normal and abnormal cardiac
rhythms in the heart. Signs of ventricular hypertrophy noted.
Echocardiogram: Two-dimensional Doppler evaluation to detect evidence
of valve leakage, cardiac anatomy, size, and function. Septal defects and
ventricular hypertrophy noted.


The palliative approach includes
Administration of indomethacin (prostaglandin inhibitor)
Application of coils to occlude the PDA
Surgical treatment includes ligation and clipping of the patent vessel.

Nursing Interventions for Child Undergoing Cardiac


Prepare the patient for cardiac catheterization:

  • Take complete nursing history.

  • Patient must be NPO for 4 to 6 hours.

  • Complete assessment including calculation of body surface area.

  • Check for allergies; allergies to iodine, contrast dyes, and shellfish
    should be relayed to the physician prior to the procedure.

  • Document baseline assessment of pedal pulses and pulse oximetry.

  • Utilize child life specialists to alleviate anxiety for the child and family.

  • Arrange a tour of the lab with the child if age appropriate.

  • Explain specific aspects of the procedure such as the placement of
    the IV and ECG electrodes.

  • Demonstrate how the skin will be washed with brown soap and how
    the skin will be numbed.

  • Explain how the contrast affects the patient and how sedation will
    make the child feel.
    Care of the patient after cardiac catheterization:

  • Monitor patient with cardiac monitor and pulse oximeter prior to

  • Monitor the patient for
    Temperature and color distal to the catheter insertion site
    A pulse of the extremity distal to the catheter insertion site

  • Take vital signs every 15 minutes for the first hour and hourly thereafter.

  • Monitor for trends and assess for possible hypotension, tachycardia,
    and bradycardia.

  • Check the pressure dressing for evidence of bleeding.

  • Observe for bleeding at the insertion site or evidence of hematoma.



CHAPTER 6/ Cardiovascular Conditions^105

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