Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1

  • Maintain contact after discharge and between remissions to encour-
    age follow-up care and respond to questions, or provide emotional
    Provide antiemetic and appetite stimulant.
    Offer foods after antiemetic takes effect.
    Allow to eat any food that is tolerated; avoid forcing food during nausea
    Rinse mouth to remove unpleasant taste sensation.
    Address activity intolerance secondary to thyroid damage from treat-
    ment and resulting hypothyroidism.

  • Maintain child’s activity within level of tolerance.
    Provide age-appropriate diversion toys, books, or other activities for
    child or adolescent.

(^160) Pediatric Nursing Demystified

  1. A plan of care for a child with cancer should include which of the following?
    a. Treatment for pain relief
    b. Stabilization of nutritional intake
    c. Support of positive body image
    d. All of the above

  2. (a)___, (b)____ and (c)____
    are all signs of oncology drug complications.

  3. Children can be given aspirin to minimize pain while receiving chemotherapy. True
    or false?


Sarcomas (Bone Tumors)

What Went Wrong?

Anosteogenic sarcoma,the most common bone tumor, is a malignant tumor
of long bone involving rapidly growing bone tissue. It occurs more often
between ages 10 and 25 years and more in boys than girls. The most common
tumor location is the distal femur (40 to 50% frequency), followed by the tibia
(20%), and then the proximal humerus (10 to 15%). Metastasis, commonly to
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