Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1


Diversity commonly relates to ethnic-cultural differences found in persons of
varied races or religious beliefs. Knowledge of practices that are acceptable or
preferred and those that are forbidden allows the nurse to plan care that is appro-
priate according to the client’s ethnic and cultural background. The most effective
process for determining appropriate care is to ask the client, family, or significant
other about preferences and taboos. Many cultural preferences and rituals do not
conflict with medical care or pose harm to the client; however, some natural
supplements may interact with medications or diet. Support of cultural norms
can result in increased client and family comfort and decreased anxiety.
Consider these principles when providing care to clients of varied ethnic
or cultural origin:
Cultural norms are communicated from generation to generation.
Clients from families that have first- or second-generation members who
emigrated from a different culture are more likely to adhere to cultural
rituals, whereas clients born in the United States or coming to the country
early in childhood may be fully assimilated (acculturated) having
adopted American customs, cultural norms, behaviors, and attitudes.
Asubculture is a group within a culture that has different beliefs and values
from that deemed typical for the culture; the nurse should note individualized


CHAPTER 1/ Families and Communities^7

  1. Ben, age 6, lives with his father and his father’s male partner. What type of family does
    Ben have?
    a. Nuclear
    b. Binuclear
    c. Gay
    d. Blended

  2. Explain why poverty might place family members at risk for health problems.


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