Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1
Prefers the human face to all other patterns
Hearing is fully mature; recognizes some sounds
May turn toward familiar sounds and voices
Prefers sweet smells; avoids bitter or acidic smells
Prefers soft to coarse sensations
Dislikes rough or abrupt handling

Social Milestones

Birth to 1 month: helpless and dependent; eye contact, but minimal
social interaction; sleeps extensively
Up to 3 months: smile and fixates on faces
Three to 6 months: distinguishes and smiles at certain, prefers familiar
people; enjoys peek-a-boo
Six to 12 months: responds to name, gives and takes objects, understands
simple commands

Emotional Growth

Birth to 1 month: demonstrates general tension
After 1 month: delight or distress shown
After 6 months: attachment to mother with some separation anxiety
Six to 12 months: may demonstrate stranger anxiety; shows curiosity by
12 months

Language Development

Progresses from
Cries, grunts at birth to coos in 3 months
Babbling, making most vowels and about half of the consonants up to
6 months
Saying one or two words, imitating sounds, and responding to simple
commands at 12 months



Signs of Possible Developmental Delays

(if noted in weeks 2 to 4 or later)

Poor sucking reflex; slow nursing or bottle feeding.
Absent or minimal blink reflex to bright light.
Doesn’t focus and track (follow) a nearby object that is moving side to
Moves arms and legs minimally and infrequently; appears stiff.
Limb movement is floppy or excessively loose.


(^16) Pediatric Nursing Demystified

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