Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1
Bones and muscles still immature, requiring nutrition and exercise for
adequate development.
Well-established walking, jumping, and climbing skills noted.
Eye-hand and muscle coordination demonstrated.
Progressive development of fine motor skills; refined drawing and writing
skills noted.

Sensory Milestones

Bladder control gained; potty training done.
Brain is 90% developed by age 5 with minimal major changes in senses.

Social Milestones

Separation anxiety is overcome as child easily relates to unfamiliar
Parental security and reassurance is sought even as child ventures to
Security is gained from familiar object such as a toy, blanket, or picture.
Learning sense of right and wrong and correct behavior to avoid punish-
ment; conscience development noted.
Play is associative without rigid rules; group play is noted; mutual play
with adult fosters development.
Imitation of observed behavior through dolls or imaginary activity such
as tea party builds social skills and role understanding.
Body image development noted; may fear injury or mutilation by medical
Sexual identity develops with building of self-concept; modesty is
Alert to attitudes of others about gender roles and appropriate play for
boys or girls.
Sexual exploration more pronounced with questions about body and
Attention span is short, so, to avoid boredom, limit craft projects to one
per year of age.

Emotional Growth

Experience many emotions during one day
Increased use of emotion language and understanding of emotions noted
Begin understanding of causes and consequences of emotions
Growing ability to conform emotions to social standards (fewer tantrums)

Language Development

Vocabulary development increases dramatically; names of objects,
including body parts, animals, and familiar locations are learned.

CHAPTER 2/ Growth and Development^19

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