Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1

Language Development

Efficient language skills of preschool and early school age years are
refined through grammar education.
Ability to use words to express knowledge and concerns increases with
Narrative skills improve with increased ability to provide directives and
form grammatically correct sentences.
Able to make inferences about what phrases mean including subtle/
figurative statements.
Able to think about own and the speech of others and to evaluate messages
and correct if needed.
For developmental characteristics, see Table 2-2.



Signs of Possible Developmental Delays

Possible signs of developmental disorders such as increased motor activity,
aggression, and enuresis(bedwetting) after the age of 5 years may be
Behavioral disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may
be noted.
Learning disabilities such as dyslexia(letter reversal), dysgraphia (writing
difficulty), or dyscalculia (calculation difficulty) may be noted.

Potential Illness or Injury

Motor vehicle accidents as passenger or pedestrian are the leading cause
of injury and death.
Immunizations provide some protection against serious infections.
Infection and reinfection with lice (pediculosis) can occur if due to child-
to-child contact and sharing of clothing and hats.
Thermal injury can occur secondary to accidental fire or exposure
to sun.
Common conditions in childhood include bacterial, viral, and fungal
Dental caries and malocclusion may occur in childhood and require
treatment and preventive maintenance.
Perform a full developmental assessment to determine possible contrib-
utors to enuresis and work with parents to manage enuresis and reduce
the impact on child’s self-esteem until condition resolves or successful
treatment found.
If developmental delays noted along with enuresis, refer for plan from
pediatrician to promote developmental progression.



CHAPTER 2/ Growth and Development^23

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