Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1
Pain from otitis media is related to pressure from fluid buildup in the
middle ear.
Epistaxis (nosebleed) can occur in multiple conditions that affect clotting
and is treated with external pressure to the nose or internal pressure from
Oral conditions such as dental caries and stomatitis require good hygiene
to promote prevention and resolution.
Mumps can occur if immunization has not been administered or condi-
tion has not previously been experienced. Caution must be taken to prevent
spread of the condition due to exposure to saliva.
Pediculosis capitis (head lice) can spread from a child through a group
of children or a family if precautions are not taken.
Treatment for head lice should be thorough and continue until the parasites
are fully eradicated.

(^68) Pediatric Nursing Demystified

  1. When speaking to the child, the nurse notices that the child seems to hear well
    in the right ear but minimally in the left ear. What historical or physical finding
    might be significant in identifying a related problem?
    a. A reported preference for fresh raw green vegetables.
    b. A history of untreated otitis media within the past month.
    c. The glands in the child’s occipital region are flat and nontender.
    d. The child has experienced a recent increase in appetite.

  2. A nurse is conducting a vision screening during a physical exam of a 7-year-old
    child. The nurse realizes that the child cannot see anyof the letters on the Snellen
    eye chart. What action by the nurse would be appropriate?
    a. Notify the child’s parents and refer the child to an optometrist.
    b. Inform the parents and child of the need to repeat the test using an age-appropriate
    c. Move the child closer to the Snellen letter chart and repeat the test.
    d. Inform the parents and the child of the need for the pediatrician to prescribe eye
    drops to improve the child’s vision.

  3. What teaching should the nurse provide for a child and family to reduce the
    risk of the child developing caries?
    a. Teach the parents to serve steamed carrots at minimum twice weekly.
    b. Instruct the child and parents regarding the need to brush after meals.
    c. Encourage the child to eat soft candy rather than hard candy between meals.
    d. Provide water that is free of fluoride to prevent demineralization of teeth.


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