Mathematics for Computer Science

(Frankie) #1

Chapter 8 Number Theory222

theChinese Remainder Theorem, which says that for allm;n, there is anxsuch

xmmoda; (8.16)
xn modb: (8.17)

Moreover,xis unique up to congruence moduloab, namely, ifx^0 also satis-
fies (8.16) and (8.17), then
x^0 xmodab:
(a)Prove that for anym;n, there is somexsatisfying (8.16) and (8.17).

Hint: Letb^1 be an inverse ofbmoduloaand defineeaWWDb^1 b. Defineeb
similarly. LetxDmeaCneb.

(b)Prove that

Œx 0 modaAND x 0 modbç implies x 0 modab:

(c)Conclude that

xx^0 modaAND xx^0 modb

implies xx^0 modab:

(d)Conclude that the Chinese Remainder Theorem is true.

(e)What about the converse of the implication in part (c)?

Homework Problems

Problem 8.18.
Supposea;bare relatively prime integers greater than 1. In this problem you will
prove that Euler’s function ismultiplicative, namely, that


The proof is an easy consequence of the Chinese Remainder Theorem (Problem 8.17).

(a)Conclude from the Chinese Remainder Theorem that the functionfWŒ0;ab/!
Œ0;a/Œ0;b/defined by


is a bijection.

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