Mathematics for Computer Science

(Frankie) #1

Chapter 9 Directed graphs & Partial Orders258


8 x 2 A: x R x:

Every vertex inRhas a self-loop.

Irreflexivity Risirreflexivewhen

NOTŒ 9 x 2 A: x R xç:

There are no self-loops inR.

Symmetry Rissymmetricwhen

8 x;y 2 A: x R yIMPLIESy R x:

If there is an edge fromxtoyinR, then there is an edge back fromytox
as well.


8 x;y 2 A: x R yIMPLIES NOT.y R x/:

There is at most one directed edge between any two vertices inR, and there
are no self-loops.

Antisymmetry Risantisymmetricwhen

8 x¤y 2 A: x R yIMPLIES NOT.y R x/:


8 x;y 2 A: .x R yANDy R x/IMPLIES xDy:

There is at most one directed edge between any two distinct vertices, but
there may be self-loops.

Transitivity Ristransitiveif

8 x;y;z 2 A: .x R yANDy R z/IMPLIESx R z:

If there is a positive length path fromutov, then there is an edge fromu
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