Mathematics for Computer Science

(Frankie) #1
11.11. Forests & Trees 359

(b)Prove that any final state of must be a tree on the vertices.

(c)For any state,G^0 , letebe the number of edges inG^0 ,cbe the number of con-
nected components it has, andsbe the number of cycles. For each of the derived
variables below, indicate thestrongestof the properties that it is guaranteed to sat-
isfy, no matter what the starting graphGis and be prepared to briefly explain your
The choices for properties are: constant,strictly increasing,strictly decreasing,
weakly increasing,weakly decreasing,none of these. The derived variables are


(viii).c;e/, partially ordered coordinatewise (theproductpartial order 9.9.1).

(d)Prove that procedurecreate-spanning-treeterminates. (If your proof depends
on one of the answers to part (c), you must prove that answer is correct.)

Problem 11.36.
Prove that a graph is a tree iff it has a unique path between any two vertices.

Homework Problems
Problem 11.37. (a)Prove that the average degree of a tree is less than 2.

(b)Suppose every vertex in a graph has degree at leastk. Explain why the graph
has a path of lengthk.
Hint:Consider a longest path.

Problem 11.38. (a)Show that every minimum spanning tree of a graph can be the
result of Algorithm 1.
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