Mathematics for Computer Science

(Frankie) #1

Chapter 12 Planar Graphs384

Homework Problems

Problem 12.7.
A simple graph istriangle-freewhen it has no cycle of length three.

(a)Prove for any connected triangle-free planar graph withv > 2vertices ande
e2v4: (12.7)

Hint:Similar to the proof thate3v 6. Use Problem 12.8.

(b)Show that any connected triangle-free planar graph has at least one vertex of
degree three or less.

(c)Prove by induction on the number of vertices that any connected triangle-free
planar graph is 4-colorable.

Hint:use part (b).

Problem 12.8. (a)Prove
Lemma(Switch Edges).Suppose that, starting from some embeddings of planar
graphs with disjoint sets of vertices, it is possible by two successive applications of
constructor operations to add edgeseand thenfto obtain a planar embedding,F.
Then starting from the same embeddings, it is also possible to obtainFby adding
fand thenewith two successive applications of constructor operations.

Hint:There are four cases to analyze, depending on which two constructor opera-
tions are applied to addeand thenf. Structural induction is not needed.

Corollary(Permute Edges).Suppose that, starting from some embeddings of pla-
nar graphs with disjoint sets of vertices, it is possible to add a sequence of edges
e 0 ;e 1 ;:::;enby successive applications of constructor operations to obtain a pla-
nar embedding,F. Then starting from the same embeddings, it is also possible
to obtainFby applications of constructor operations that successively add any
permutation^5 of the edgese 0 ;e 1 ;:::;en.

Hint:By induction on the number of switches of adjacent elements needed to con-
vert the sequence 0,1,... ,ninto a permutation.0/;.1/;:::;.n/.


(^5) IfW f0;1;:::;ng! f0;1;:::;ngis a bijection, then the sequencee.0/;e.1/;:::;e.n/is
called apermutationof the sequencee 0 ;e 1 ;:::;en.

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