Mathematics for Computer Science

(Frankie) #1
Chapter 15 Cardinality Rules470

For example, the hand above is described by the sequence:

.7;K;A;2;};3/$f 7 }; K|; A~; 2; 3}g:

Are there other sequences that correspond to the same hand? There is one more!
We could equally well regard either the 3 }or the 7 }as the extra card, so this
is actually a 2-to-1 mapping. Here are the two sequences corresponding to the
example hand:

.7;K;A;2;};3/ &
f 7 }; K|; A~; 2; 3}g
.3;K;A;2;};7/ %

Therefore, the number of hands with every suit is:

134  4  12


15.10 Inclusion-Exclusion

How big is a union of sets? For example, suppose there are 60 math majors, 200
EECS majors, and 40 physics majors. How many students are there in these three
departments? LetMbe the set of math majors,Ebe the set of EECS majors, and
Pbe the set of physics majors. In these terms, we’re asking forjM[E[Pj.
The Sum Rule says that ifM,E, andPare disjoint, then the sum of their sizes
However, the setsM,E, andP mightnotbe disjoint. For example, there might
be a student majoring in both math and physics. Such a student would be counted
twice on the right side of this equation, once as an element ofMand once as an
element ofP. Worse, there might be a triple-major^4 countedthreetimes on the
right side!
Our most-complicated counting rule determines the size of a union of sets that
are not necessarily disjoint. Before we state the rule, let’s build some intuition by
considering some easier special cases: unions of just two or three sets.

(^4)... though not at MIT anymore.

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