The Washington Post - USA (2021-11-11)

(Antfer) #1








find the coils either at the bottom
or in the back of the fridge. (On
modern refrigerators, coils are
usually at the bottom behind a
panel.) After removing the grill by
hand, vacuum the coils to remove
visible debris. You can also use a
duster between the coils. Then
replace the panel.
Clean your hood vent filter.
Hood vents are great at absorbing
steam, smoke and cooking odors,
but they can get dirty (and less
effective) over time. Sherman rec-
ommends cleaning your filter
once a month, but it’s also worth
giving it a preholiday cleaning. To
remove the vent, push toward the
back of the hood to compress the
spring, then rotate it downward.
You can use a mild detergent or a
spray degreaser to clean yours, or
put it in the dishwasher. (Check
the manufacturer’s instructions to
make sure it’s dishwasher safe.)
No matter how you wash it, wait
until the filter is dry before putting
it back, and don’t operate the hood
without the filter in place.
Seal your natural stone. Gran-
ite and marble can take a serious
beating from wine, lemons, soaps
and other acids. If you have stone
counters, you’ll want to seal them
once a year to ensure their longevi-
ty. Kelly Taylor, an interior designer
in Providence, R.I., says November
is a great time to do that. You can
either hire a professional stone fab-
ricator or purchase a product and
do it yourself. Taylor recommends

Marble Guard Protector, an inex-
pensive sealant by Marble & Gran-
ite Care Products. The process isn’t
too laborious: Deep-clean and thor-
oughly dry the surface, then apply
the sealant per the manufacturer’s
instructions. (You may need two
coats.) Buff the surface with a mi-
crofiber cloth. Once done, it’s best
to wait about 24 hours before
touching your counters.
Treat your wood. Now’s also a
great time to treat your wood ta-
bles, which are vulnerable to wear
from guests (especially those who
don’t use a coaster for their cock-
tails). Taylor suggests using a wood-
specific oil or wax to protect furni-
ture surfaces from marks. Identify
the type of wood you’re working
with; the item’s product descrip-
tion should tell you, or you can
search online for the color and
wood-grain pattern. Then find an
oil appropriate for that surface.
(Taylor likes Howard wood-care
products.) Clear the table of debris
with a soft microfiber cloth, then
rub the oil into the wood with an old
T-shirt. After wiping away the ex-
cess oil, apply it again, then rub it
away and allow the surface to dry.
Swap out your HVAC filter. In
general, you should be changing
your filter about every three
months. But if you plan to use your
heat or air conditioning during a
gathering, an additional swap will
help ensure that clean air blows
out while you have guests. Lester
Mclaughlin, vice president of op-

erations at Blue National HVAC,
says it’s as easy as pulling out the
old filter (usually a cardboard
square or rectangle with a net in
the middle) and replacing it with
one the same size and type. You
can purchase replacement filters
online or from a home improve-
ment store.
Clean your vents. After you
change your filter, clean your air
vents, which inevitably collect
dust and other debris over time.
Mark Dawson, chief operating of-
ficer at One Hour Air Condition-
ing & Heating and Benjamin
Franklin Plumbing, suggests us-
ing the wand attachment on your
vacuum on vents and air returns
throughout the house.
Upgrade your lighting. Along
with replacing any flickering
bulbs in lamps and light fixtures,
make sure all the bulbs in each
room are the same warmth and
style. Connecticut-based interior
designer Cindy Rinfret suggests
swapping cooler lights for warmer
bulbs, which emit a yellowish glow
vs. a sterile, uninviting cold blue.
She likes bulbs with a temperature
between 2700K and 3000K for the
perfect warm light.
“You don’t want to run around
looking for lightbulbs that better
suit the mood as your guests are
pulling into the driveway — or,
worse, realizing how harsh the
overhead lighting is over dinner
once it’s too late,” Rinfret says.
Clean your garbage disposal.

Dawson recommends cleaning
your garbage disposal to avoid
pesky clogs and remove unpleas-
ant smells. First, he says, toss a
handful of ice cubes down the
drain and turn on the disposal to
remove food scraps stuck under
the blades. (Ice cubes, he says, can
also help sharpen the blades.)
Then, with the water running,
drop a few small pieces of lemon
peel down the disposal to neutral-
ize odors and add a fresh scent.
Check your toilet. It’s embar-
rassing to encounter a toilet issue
at someone else’s house, so do your
best to keep your guests from hav-
ing one. One way to do that, Daw-
son says, is to check that your
shut-off valve is in working shape,
so people can turn off the water
supply to the toilet if it starts to
overflow. “While the valve should
be easy to turn, there are times you
might experience some resistance
as you try to turn it,” he says. “If
this is the case, it could mean you
have a faulty valve and should hire
a plumbing professional to in-
spect it before guests arrive.”
Beyond checking the valve,
keep your toilet efficient and your
drains clear by regularly cleaning
with mild cleaners, avoiding
flushing anything that’s not toi-
let paper and keeping a plunger
[email protected]

Ashley Abramson is a freelance writer
in Milwaukee.


As the holidays approach, you
may be gearing up for your first
“normal” gathering in a good
while. Just the idea of getting to-
gether with a group of people in-
doors may feel nerve-racking, but
if you’re the one hosting, then
you’ll also experience the stress of
making your guests feel comfort-
able. And there’s more to hospital-
ity than cooking and decorating.
You’ll also want to make sure your
home is functional for your guests
and any holiday activities, which
may mean tackling that long-
ignored to-do list.
If you’re not sure where to start,
here are 10 projects to help you get
your home ready for hosting. (Be-
fore planning and hosting any
gathering, check current guide-
lines and information from the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention as well as your local
health department regarding the
coronavirus. Be sure to take ap-
propriate measures to keep every-
one safe.)
Boost your dishwasher. Sha-
ron Sherman, an interior designer
in New Jersey, suggests cleaning
your dishwasher to ensure it
works effectively and efficiently.
Start by using an old tooth-
brush to remove grime from the
rubber seal. Then find the filter
below the bottom spray arm and
follow the dishwasher manufac-
turer’s instructions for removing
it. To clean the filter, simply rinse it
with hot water and use an old
toothbrush to work out any gunk.
If your dishwasher looks dirty
on the inside or has evidence of
mineral buildup, give it a wash.
Fill a dishwasher-safe bowl with
two cups of vinegar, place it on the
upper rack and run the otherwise
empty machine through a cycle
without detergent. There’s no
need to dilute the vinegar; the
water from the dishwasher will
take care of that for you.
Check the temperature in your
fridge. B efore you stuff your fridge
with the makings of your holiday
meal (or leftovers), use a refrigera-
tor thermometer to make sure it’s
working properly. If you set the
temperature lower but it’s hover-
ing above the maximum temp of
40 degrees, Sherman suggests
cleaning your condenser coils,
which pump refrigerant into your
appliance to keep everything cold.
“The condenser should be vacu-
umed every three to six months, or
sooner if you have pets,” she says.
“A dirty condenser can lead to
warm temperatures in the refrig-
erator and freezer, contributing
to condensation or frost inside
the compartments or even prema-
ture failure of the mechanical
It’s a relatively simple job: First,

10 maintenance tasks you should complete before the holidays

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