The Washington Post - USA (2021-11-11)

(Antfer) #1














After giving birth to her second
child in February 2020, KC Davis
keenly felt the relationship be-
tween the state of her home and
the state of her mental health. At
home with two kids under 2, bat-
tling postpartum depression and
ADD, she found herself sitting on
the floor surrounded by onesies,
toddler clothes and pajama pants,
unable to get the laundry finished,
ever. “I was living out of a basket of
clean laundry — just unable to fold
it or put it away — so I decided not
to,” said Davis, a licensed therapist
in Houston.
The relationship among our
mental health, order and cleanli-
ness — or a lack thereof — is
strong, but like most relation-
ships, it’s not simple. “We know
there’s an association, but an asso-
ciation doesn’t mean we know
that one thing causes the other,”
said Dawn Potter, a clinical psy-
chologist at the Cleveland Clinic.
The premise that one’s space
reflects one’s mental health can be
particularly defeating if you’re al-
ready in a bad place, Davis said.
Many of the symptoms of depres-
sion that make it difficult to care
for ourselves also make it difficult
to care for our homes, such as
fatigue, no or low motivation, loss
of interest in activities and diffi-
culty concentrating.
The shame of having a home
that fails to meet society’s stan-
dards can paralyze, and often si-
lence, people who need help man-
aging clutter.
“You can’t divorce feelings of
self-esteem and self-worth from
these societal expectations, espe-
cially for women, of keeping
house,” said Judith Kolberg, an
Atlanta-based professional orga-
nizer and the co-author of “ADD-
Friendly Ways to Organize Your
Life.” “It doesn’t take long in this
business for those issues to come
up and for you to notice the over-
lap between mental health and
For someone with anxiety, cha-
os can be the enemy. When we’re
anxious, we seek control; declut-
tering and organizing provide it.
But overwhelming clutter can
make it hard to even start. And for
people with attention disorders,
there’s often too little focus — or
too much, causing them to fixate
on one thing at the expense of
others — to complete a task.
In Davis’s case, instead of beat-
ing herself up over the laundry,
she came up with a system that
worked for her and her family. She
combined her closet and the chil-
dren’s closet into one space next to
the laundry room. She eliminated
drawers and hangs just a few
items, relying instead on bins for
everyone’s clothes.

On her Struggle Care TikTok
account (@domesticblisters),
which has 1.2 million followers,
she shares small and attainable
cleaning, organizing and other
“care” tasks tailored for people
with mental health issues, neu-
rodivergence, chronic pain or
sickness. They’re also for those in
the midst of temporary life stages,
such as people experiencing grief
or trauma, those in the postpar-
tum period or people caring for
small children or another family
member. Through her book, “How
to Keep House While Drowning,”
her Struggle Care platform and
social media, Davis is trying to
divorce morality from household
chores, all while offering tips to
tackle those very chores. “You’re
not a bad person just because you
have dirty dishes in your sink,” she
Allissa Haines, 46, knew she
needed to prepare her order-
seeking self before moving in with
her partner and two kids, 8 and 11
at the time — all of whom have
ADHD. Haines has experienced
depression and anxiety, and she
wanted to set up their 1,600-
square-foot bungalow in Sharon,
Mass., to work for everyone. Dur-
ing the pandemic, when everyone
was home, Haines found inspira-
tion and practical tips and work-
sheets on Struggle Care’s TikTok
She and her partner built a tiny
office in the backyard where she
runs her marketing and consult-
ing practice, writes, records a pod-
cast about massage therapy and
chills out. She also set up systems
using schedules and cleaning
worksheets (
resources) and got bins and cad-

dies for toys, arts and crafts, and
school supplies. She and her part-
ner share household and parent-
ing duties. And she has learned the
power of closing the kids’ doors,
recognizing that not everyone
shares her need for order.
“I’m definitely an outer-order,
inner-calm kind of person,” she
said. “There’s this decision fatigue
that happens when things aren’t
somewhat organized.”
We asked our sources how to
cope with clutter, whether you’re
temporarily struggling and

stressed or you have chronic men-
tal and physical health challenges.
Here are their suggestions.
Jettison judgment. There’s a
reason your dishes are still in the
sink, but it’s not because you’re a
bad person. Letting go of the
shame and other people’s expecta-
tions will go a long way in making
cleaning and decluttering less tax-
ing. “You deserve kindness, re-
gardless of your level of function,”
Davis said. “I’ve never seen anyone
shame themselves into better

Start small. It’s easy to get over-
whelmed. Focus on one task at a
time, such as loading the dish-
washer. And when you do some-
thing, give yourself credit. The
smallest change, Potter said, is still
a change, and both your home and
brain benefit from forming a new
habit. Pick one that takes the least
amount of time (one load of dish-
es) or one that can have the biggest
effect in easing your day and calm-
ing your mind (clearing bathroom
Buddy up. Ask a friend to join
you for a 20-minute cleaning blitz
or an afternoon of dancing and
dusting, virtually or in person. The
goal is to fight boredom and dis-
traction and have someone on
your side in the battle. Profession-
al organizers can fill this role, too,
as can productivity apps, such as
Reframe obligations as self-
care. Davis assigns herself the
same five tasks each night to “close
her kitchen,” knowing she’ll wake
up the next morning thanking the
person who did the chores the
night before. “It’s my way of caring
for future me,” she said. Be sure to
put a time limit on it and “clock
out,” ending your housework shift
with a hard stop and giving your-
self permission to take the rest of
the night for yourself.
Closing rituals are key for home
offices, too, said Catherine Avery, a
productivity and ADHD coach.
She advises ending your workday
with three steps, which should
take no more than five minutes:

  1. Clear your desk.

  2. Write down three wins of the
    day, including one act of self-care.
    This reflection is particularly im-
    portant for those with ADHD, she

said, because “we often hurry off
to the next thing without noticing
we’ve accomplished something.”

  1. Write down three goals for
    the next day.
    Break it down. Kolberg advises
    clients with attention deficit dis-
    orders to organize items visually.
    If tackling a room is too much,
    divide it into zones and pick one
    (or more) that you have the time
    and attention for, such as every-
    thing above your shoulders, below
    your knees or in one corner.
    Davis’s most popular video is of
    a tidying method that approaches
    each room as having only five cate-
    gories: trash, dishes, laundry,
    items that have a place and items
    that don’t have a place. Once trash
    is in the bin, dishes are in the sink,
    laundry is in the basket and items
    with a home are put away, you’re
    left with a more manageable pile.
    Only have time for two tasks? Fo-
    cus on safety and sanitation:
    dirty dishes and items that can
    trip you up.
    Close the door. “If it’s not a case
    of rotting food, if it’s not creating a
    physical hazard, and it’s just dis-
    tracting, get it out of sight and out
    of mind,” Potter said.
    Open the conversation. S har-
    ing spaces with others? Talk to
    them about how to best share
    tasks. The key is to focus on what
    works for each person and how
    their habits affect the household.
    If clutter and cleaning (or lack
    thereof) affect relationships, they
    can’t be ignored. Make it clear
    who’s doing what, perhaps by
    posting a chore chart.
    Rest. Remember: You’re not a
    machine. “People forget that an
    important part of being produc-
    tive is not being productive all the
    time,” Kolberg said. Take breaks.
    Being constantly on the go isn’t
    the same as getting anything done,
    especially if it’s at the cost of your
    mental and physical health. The
    body and mind need rest to recov-
    er. Those messes will be there for
    you to tackle when you have the
    Perfection? Pitch it. Shift the
    focus to function rather than per-
    fection. The purpose of laundry is
    having clean clothes, not a closet
    ready for a Container Store photo
    shoot. Ask yourself before diving
    into a project: What do I need out
    of this? (A path through the teen’s
    bedroom? A clear entryway?)
    Then let yourself stop when you
    reach that attainable goal. “Good
    enough is perfect. It’s not settling,”
    Davis said.
    [email protected]

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Getting organized when you have ADHD or mental health issues


“You deserve kindness,

regardless of your level

of function. I’ve never

seen anyone shame

themselves into better

KC Davis, a licensed therapist
in Houston
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