Motivation and Learning Strategies for College Success : A Self-management Approach

(Greg DeLong) #1

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Analysis table, determine how much time you spend in each activity
listed for each day of the week, as well as the total for the entire
week. When you total your time, round to the nearest half hour (e.g.,
9 hours and 20 minutes sleeping = 9.5 hours).
List the three activities on which you are spending the most time
(other than sleeping):




Summarize what you have learned about your personal time-use
habits. Be specific (e.g., When do you study? Do you spend more than
2 hours a day watching television or talking on the telephone? Do you
tend to accomplish your goals?) Does your response differ from your
original perception of time wasters reported in Exercise 6.1? What do
you need to do to become more effective in achieving your goals?


Set Regular Study Periods

Setting a regular time to study each day helps “protect” you from
constant conflicts with other tasks that you must complete. There
always will be unexpected events that rob time from your studying.
If circumstances arise that prohibit you from studying, adjust your
schedule. If you do not establish a set time, the probability increases
that you will become involved with other tasks.

Study in an Environment That Is Relatively Free of Distractions and Interruptions
Analyze your present study environment and determine whether it is
the best place for you. Most college students study in one of five loca-
tions: home, dorm, apartment, fraternity or sorority house, or library.
Wherever you decide to study, consider the level of distractions present.
If you find you are constantly distracted by discussions, telephone calls,
music, or other factors, consider another location (see Exercise 7.1).

Schedule Tasks So They Can Be Accomplished in 30- to 60-Minute Blocks of Time
There are two major reasons for block planning. First, it is wise
to develop intermediate goals and specific tasks for each major goal
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