Motivation and Learning Strategies for College Success : A Self-management Approach

(Greg DeLong) #1

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class and make an appointment with him or her. You even write it
down and put the date and time on a piece of paper. You lose the
paper and forget the appointment.
I have experienced numerous situations in which I missed appoint-
ments because of poor time management. I cannot tell you how many
times I have asked my wife if she found a piece of paper in one of
my shirts as she was removing them from the wash.
Fortunately, I never (okay, rarely!) miss an appointment now
because I no longer carry notes, cards, and slips of paper. Every-
thing goes into my appointment calendar. A major advantage of car-
rying your calendar with you is that you can schedule meetings or
make appointments around your planned schedule. If you have to
make changes in your schedule, you can do it in the least disruptive

Student Reflections

for me in college. I really was unprepared for the amount of material
that is presented here and the speed at which it is presented. It was

pick up as easily anymore.

great start because I had never really learned to study this enormous

for a big time span and then neglect it for a week. Then I moved on
to another subject and forgot about that for a week. So, there was
no continuity within each course. That had a lot to do with it. Finally

time every day on each subject. (from Light, 2001, p. 24)

Things that worked for me in high school, I discovered, don’t work

a bit of a shock. Things I picked up quickly in high school I couldn’t

Here at college I wasn’t checked every day. I did not get off to a

amount of material in a systematic way. I tended to do one subject

I figured it out. This year, I’m pushing myself to spend a little bit of


I now use the information presented in this chapter to develop a
system for time planning and management. The following are three
forms useful in planning your time: a semester calendar, weekly pri-
ority tasks list, and a weekly schedule.

Semester Calendar
The semester calendar should be used to identify due dates each
month for assignments and papers, dates of tests, and important
nonacademic activities and events. This calendar should be on the wall
in your room or on your desk. Semester calendars can be purchased
in college bookstores and local stationery stores.
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