Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-11-13)

(Antfer) #1



out the way I expect, of course.
I am a perfectionist, sometimes
to an unhealthy degree, but
photography has allowed me to
accept so many things. Sometimes
an image isn’t what I expected, but
the imperfections can be so beautiful
they make the image what it should
always have been. I have to embrace
that imperfection.
‘I don’t think I will ever stick to
one type of film – that isn’t my
personality. It’s good to have a
couple of cameras on a shoot – not
six – and to know what
characteristics each will give me.
I like to use expired film too, for the
unpredictability, and I like Ilford
Delta 3200 for the size of the grain

  • in some types of images I welcome
    that. And if I want the picture to be
    clean I love slide film, as it has no
    grain and it looks so sharp. Kodak
    Ektar 100 renders our melanated skin
    really well, and it makes colour pop.
    ‘There’s a level of exploration
    still, so I use all sorts of film –
    including Polaroid. I’m inherently
    a researcher and quite a geek, so I
    have a good memory for which film
    does what, and I actively read about
    film and look into which films are
    available. I put in quite a lot of
    work to understand the science, and
    I also like to read about other
    people’s experiences.
    ‘Film photography is expensive,
    but it is worth the extra money. I try
    to be economical with my process,
    and I try to have discipline. I really

like Polaroid, but have to resist as
you can pay $200 for a box, for it all
to come out blank. I also understand
my gear so I know that my cameras
are functioning the way they should.
I buy expired film too, and I buy in
bulk to make savings. I usually go to
New York to buy my film, and have
two film fridges – I recently emptied
two drawers in my kitchen fridge for
more as I got a delivery from Japan.
My biggest economy though is being
intentional with the image. I don’t
shoot a whole roll with the person in
the same positon. I have just started
bracketing as that makes sense, and
I’ve started using the 645 cameras
more because I get more shots per
roll. When shooting a professional
model with film you have to tell
them not to be shifting, shifting,
shifting too much or too quickly, as
I won’t be shooting 50 frames of
everything. You have to get them to
slow down, and understand that

you’ll only take a couple of pictures
of each pose.’

I’m not a hoarder
‘I will sound like a little hoarder, but
actually I’m a collector of fine
things. I have about 85 cameras. My
favourite is a very beat-up Mamiya
C330 that’s missing its name plate.
I love the lenses and always have the
camera with me. I also have Mamiya
RZ and RB67 kits, as well as the
645M. They all have beautiful lenses.
I love my Pentax 67 too, but not
more than the Mamiyas, but I do
like to use the 67 lenses on a Pentax
645 body – which I prefer to the
Pentax 67. I love the German design
and the aesthetic of my Exakta
cameras as well, and again the lenses
render a beautiful image.
‘I have a few wooden large format
cameras from Japan, as my next
adventure is wet-plate collodion. The
chemicals have just arrived in the
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