History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100.

(Darren Dugan) #1
The continued demand for my Church History lays upon me the grateful duty of keeping it
abreast of the times. I have, therefore, submitted this and the other volumes (especially the second)
to another revision and brought the literature down to the latest date, as the reader will see by
glancing at pages 2, 35, 45, 51–53, 193, 411, 484, 569, 570, etc. The changes have been effected
by omissions and condensations, without enlarging the size. The second volume is now passing
through the fifth edition, and the other volumes will follow rapidly.
This is my last revision. If any further improvements should be necessary during my lifetime,
I shall add them in a separate appendix.
I feel under great obligation to the reading public which enables me to perfect my work.
The interest in Church History is steadily increasing in our theological schools and among the rising
generation of scholars, and promises good results for the advancement of our common Christianity.
The Author
New York, January, 1890.



(Fifth Edition.)
Since the third revision of this volume in 1889, the following works deserving notice have
appeared till September, 1893. (P. S.)
Page 2. After "Nirschl" add:
E. Bernheim Lehrbuch der historischen Methode. Mit Nachweis der wichtigsten Quellen und
Hilfsmittel zum Studium der Geschichte. Leipzig, 1889.
Edward Bratke: Wegweiser zur Quellen- und Literaturkunde der Kirchengeschichte. Gotha, 1890
(282 pp.).
Page 35, line 9:
H. Brueck (Mainz, 5th ed., 1890).
Page 45:
Of the Church History of Kurtz (who died at Marburg, 1890), an 11th revised edition appeared in
Wilhelm Moeller (d. at Kiel, 1891): Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte. Freiburg, 1891. 2 vols., down
to the Reformation. Vol. III. to be added by Kawerau. Vol. I. translated by Rutherford. London,
Karl Mueller (Professor in Breslau): Kirchengeschichte. Freiburg, 1892. A second volume will
complete the work. An excellent manual from the school of Ritschl-Harnack.
Harnack’s large Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte was completed in 1890 in 3 vols. Of his Grundriss,
a 2d ed. appeared in 1893 (386 pp.); translated by Edwin K. Mitchell, of Hartford, Conn.:
Outlines of the History of Dogma. New York, 1893.
Friedrich Loofs (Professor of Church History in Halle, of the Ritschl-Harnack school): Leitfaden
zum Studium der Dogmengeschichte. Halle, 1889; 3d ed., 1893.

A.D. 1-100.

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