History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100.

(Darren Dugan) #1
either that Peter cannot have been the author, or that he must have long outlived the Neronian
persecution. The tradition that he died a martyr in Rome is early and universal, but the exact
date of his death is uncertain.
Page 285 insert:
Of Weizsaecker’s Das Apostolische Zeitalter, which is chiefly devoted to Paul, a second edition
has appeared in 1892, slightly revised and provided with an alphabetical index (770 pp.). It is
the best critical history of the Apostolic age from the school of Dr. Baur, whom Dr. Weizsaecker
succeeded as professor of Church history in Tuebingen, but gives no references to literature
and other opinions.
Charles Carroll Everett: The Gospel of Paul. New York, 1893.
Page 360:
Rodolfo Lanciani: Pagan and Christian Rome. New York, 1893 (pp. x, 374). A very important
work which shows from recent explorations that Christianity entered more deeply into Roman
Society in the first century than is usually supposed.
Page 401 add:
Henry William Watkins: Modern Criticism in its relation to the Fourth Gospel; being the Bampton
Lectures for 1890. London, 1890. Only the external evidence, but with a history of opinions
since Breitschneider’s Probabilia.
Paton J. Gloag: Introduction to the Johannine Writings. London, 1891 (pp. 440). Discusses the
critical questions connected with the Gospel, the Epistles, and the Apocalypse of John from a
liberal conservative standpoint.
E. Schuerer: On the Genuineness of the Fourth Gospel. In the "Contemporary Review" for
September, 1891.
Page 484:
E. Loening: Die Gemeindeverfassung des Urchristenthums. Halle, 1889—CH. De Smedt:
L’organisation des églises chrétiennes jusqu’au milieu du 3e siècle. 1889.
Page 569. Add to literature:
Gregory: Prolegomena to Tischendorf, Pt. II., 1890. (Pt. III. will complete this work.)
Schaff: Companion to the Greek Testament, 4th ed. revised, 1892.
Salmon: Introduction to the New Testament, 5th ed., 1890.,
Holtzmann: Introduction to the New Testament, 3d ed., 1892.
F. Godet: Introduction au Nouveau Testament. Neuchatel, 1893. The first volume contains the
Introduction to the Pauline Epistles; the second and third will contain the Introduction to the
Gospels, the Catholic Epp. and the Revelation. To be translated.
Page 576:
Robinson’s Harmony, revised edition, by M B. Riddle (Professor in Allegheny Theological
Seminary), New York, 1885.
Page 724:
Friedrich Spitta: Die Apostelgeschichte, ihre Quellen und ihr historischer Wert. Halle, 1891 (pp.
380). It is briefly criticised by Ramsey.
C. Sagittarius: Introductio in historiam ecclesiasticam. Jen. 1694.

A.D. 1-100.

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