History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100.

(Darren Dugan) #1
Dan. Schenkel (Prof. in Heidelberg): Das Christusbild der Apostel und der nachapostolischen Zeit.
Leipz. 1879. Comp. the review by H. Holtzmann in Hilgenfeld’s "Zeitschrift für wissensch.
Theol." 1879, p. 392.
H. Oort and I. Hooykaas: The Bible for Learners, translated from the Dutch by Philip H. Wicksteed,
vol. III. (the New Test., by Hooykaas), Book III. pp. 463–693 of the Boston ed. 1879. (In the
Engl. ed. it is vol. VI.) This is a popular digest of the rationalistic Tübingen and Leyden criticism
under the inspiration of Dr. A. Kuenen, Professor of Theology at Leyden. It agrees substantially
with the Protestanten-Bibel noticed above.
*George P. Fisher (Prof. in Yale College, New Haven): The Beginnings of Christianity. N. York,

  1. Comp. also the author’s former work: Essays on the Supernatural Origin of Christianity,
    with special reference to the Theories of Renan, Strauss, and the Tübingen School. New York,

  2. New ed. enlarged, 1877.
    C. Weizsäcker (successor of Baur in Tübingen): Das Apostolische Zeitalter. Freiburg, 1886.
    Critical and very able.
    O. Pfleiderer (Prof. in Berlin): Das Urchristenthum, seine Schriften und Lehren. Berlin, 1887.
    (Tübingen School.)
    III. The Chronology of the Apostolic Age.
    Rudolph Anger: De temporum in Actis Apostolorum ratione. Lips. 1833 (208 pp.).
    Henry Browne: Ordo Saeculorum. A Treatise on the Chronology of the Holy Scriptures. Lond.

  3. Pp. 95–163.
    Karl Wieseler: Chronologie des apostolischen Zeitalters. Göttingen, 1848 (606 pp.).
    The older and special works are noticed in Wieseler, pp. 6–9. See also the elaborate Synopsis of
    the dates of the Apostolic Age in Schäffer’s translation of Lechler on Acts (in the Am. ed. of
    Lange’s Commentary); Henry B. Smith’s Chronological Tables of Church History (1860); and
    Weingarten: Zeittafeln zur K-Gesch. 3d ed. 1888.
    §21. General Character of the Apostolic Age.
    "Der Schlachtruf, der St.PauliBrust entsprungen,
    Rief nicht sein Echo auf zu tausend Streiten?
    Und welch’ ein Friedensecho hat geklungen
    Durch tausend Herzen vonJohannis Saiten!
    Wie viele rasche Feuer sind entglommen
    Als Wiederschein vonPetri Funkensprühen!
    Und sieht man Andre still mit Opfern kommen,
    Ist’s, weil sie inJakobi Schul’gediehen:—
    EinSatz ist’s, der in Variationen
    Vom ersten Anfang forttönt durch Aeonen."
    Extent and Environment of the Apostolic Age.
    The apostolic period extends from the Day of Pentecost to the death of St. John, and covers
    about seventy years, from a.d. 30 to 100. The field of action is Palestine, and gradually extends
    over Syria, Asia Minor, Greece, and Italy. The most prominent centres are Jerusalem, Antioch, and
    Rome, which represent respectively the mother churches of Jewish, Gentile, and United Catholic
    Christianity. Next to them are Ephesus and Corinth. Ephesus acquired a special importance by the

A.D. 1-100.

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