History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100.

(Darren Dugan) #1


John writes the Revelation (?).
Persecution of Christians
Nerva Emperor
Death of Apollonius
Death of John.
Trajan Emperor



§ 24. The Miracle of Pentecost and the Birthday of the Christian Church. a.d. 30.
Καὶ ἐπλήσθησαν πάντες πνεύματος ἁγίου, καὶ ἤρξαντο λαλεῖν ἑτέραις γλώσσαις, Καθὼς τὸ
πνεῦμα ἐδίδου ἀποφθέγγεσθαι αὐτοῖς —Acts 2:4
"The first Pentecost which the disciples celebrated after the ascension of our Saviour, is, next
to the appearance of the Son of God on earth, the most significant event. It is the starting-point of
the apostolic church and of that new spiritual life in humanity which proceeded from Him, and
which since has been spreading and working, and will continue to work until the whole humanity
is transformed into the image of Christ."—Neander (Geschichte der Pflanzung und Leitung der
christlichen Kirche durch die Apostel., I. 3, 4).
I. Sources: Acts 2:1–47. Comp. 1 Cor. 12 and 14. See Commentaries on the Acts by Olshausen,
De Wette, Meyer, Lechler, Hackett, Alexander, Gloag, Alford, Wordsworth, Plumptre Jacobson,
Howson and Spence, etc., and on the Corinthians by Billroth, Kling, Stanley, Heinrici, Edwards,
Godet, Ellicott.
II. Special treatises o the Pentecostal Miracle and the Gift of Tongues (glossolalia) by Herder (Die
Gabe der Sprachen, Riga, 1794) Hase (in Winer’s "Zeitschrift für wissenschaftl. Theol." 1827),
Bleek in "Studien und Kritiken" for 1829 and 1830), Baur in the "Tübinger Zeitschrift für
Theol." for 1830 and 1831, and in the "Studien und Krit." 1838), Schneckenburger (in his
Beiträge zur Einleitung in das N. T. 1832), Bäumlein (1834), Dav. Schulz (1836), Zinsler
(1847), Zeller (Acts of the Apostles, I. 171, of the E. translation by J. Dare), Böhm
(Irvingite,Reden mit Zungen und Weissagen, Berlin, 1848), Rossteuscher (Irvingite, Gabe der
Sprachen im apost. Zeitalter, Marburg, 1855), Ad. Hilgenfeld (Glossolalie, Leipz. 1850), Maier
(Glossolalie des apost. Zeitalters, 1855), Wieseler (in "Stud. u. Krit." 1838 and 1860), Schenkel
(art. Zungenreden in his "Bibel-Lex." V. 732), Van Hengel (De gave der talen, Leiden, 1864),
Plumptre (art. Gift of Tongues in Smith’s, "B. D." IV. 3305, Am. ed.), Delitzsch (art. Pfingsten
in Riehm’s "H. B. A." 1880, p. 1184); K. Schmidt (in Herzog, 2d ed., xvii., 570 sqq.).

A.D. 1-100.

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