History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100.

(Darren Dugan) #1
11:16; 1 Tim. 3:1; 6:10), παρακοή(Heb. 2:2; Rom. 5:10; 2 Cor. 10:6), πληροφορία(Heb. 6:11;
10:22; Col. 2:2; 1 Thess. 1:5), φιλοξενία(Heb. 13:2; Rom. 12:13).
On the linguistic peculiarities of Hebrews, see Bleek, I. 315–338 Lünemann, Com., pp. 12
and 24 sqq. (4th ed., 1878); Davidson, Introd., I. 209 sqq. (revised ed., 1882); and the Speaker’s
Com. N. T., IV. 7–16.

§ 101. The Apocalypse.
On the Lit. and life of John, see §§ 40 and 41 (this vol.); on the authorship of the Apoc. and the
time of composition, § 37 (this vol.); § 41 (this vol.); and § 84 (this vol.)

  1. Modern Critical, works of German and French scholars on the Apocalypse: Lücke (Voltständige
    Einleitung, etc., 2d ed., 1852; 1,074 pages of introductory matter, critical and historical; compare
    with it the review of Bleek in the "Studien and Kritiken" for 1854 and 1855); DeWette Com.,
    1848, with a remarkable preface, 3d ed. by Möller, 1862); Bleek (Posthumous Lectures, ed. by
    Hossbach, 1862); Ewald (Die Johann. Schriften, vol. II, 1862; besides his older Latin Com.,
    1828); Düsterdieck (in Meyer’s Com., 3d ed., 1877); Renan (L’Antechrist, 1873); Reuss (1878).
    A. Sabatier, in Lichtenberger’s "Encyclopédie," I. 396–407. E. Vischer: Die Offenb. Joh. eine
    Jüd. Apok. in christl. Bearbeitung, Leipz., 1886. F. Spitta: Die Offenb. Joh. untersucht, Halle,

  2. For Doctrinal and Practical exposition, the Commentaries of Hengstenberg (1849, spoiled by
    false prophecies and arbitrary fancies) Auberlen (on Daniel and Revelation, 2d ed., 1854);
    Gaussen (Daniel le prophète, 1850); Ebrard (in Olshausen’s Com., 1853); Luthardt (1861); J.
    C. K. Hofmann (1844 and 1862); J. L. Füller (follows Hofmann, 1874); Lange (1871, Am. ed.
    enlarged by Craven, 1874); Gebhardt (Lehrbegriff der Apok., 1873); Kliefoth (1874). Comp.
    also Rougemont: La Révélation de St. Jean expliquant l’histoire (1866).Godet: Essay upon the
    Apoc., in his Studies on the N. T., translated from the French by W. H. Lyttleton, London, 1876,

  3. English Com.: E. H. Elliott (d. 1875, Horae Apoc., 5th ed., 1862, 4 vols.); Wordsworth (4th ed.,
    1866); Alford (3d ed., 1866); C. J.Vaughan (3d ed., 1870, practical); William Lee (Archdeacon
    in Dublin, in the "Speaker’s" Com. N. T., vol. iv., 1881, pp. 405–844) E. Huntingford (Lond.,
    1882); Milligan (1883 and 1886 the best). Trench: The Epistles to the Seven Churches (2d ed.,
    1861), and Plumptre:Expos. of the Epp. to the Seven Ch. (Lond. and N. Y., 1877).

  4. American Com. by Moses Stuart (1845, 2 vols., new ed., 1864, with an Excursus on the Number
    of the Beast, II. 452); Cowles (1871).

  5. Of Older Commentaries, the most important and valuable are the following:
    (a) Greek:Andreas of Caesarea in Cappadocia (5th cent.; the first continuous Com. on the Apoc.,
    publ. 1596, also in the works of Chrysostom; see Lücke, p. 983); Arethas Of Caes. in Cappad.
    (not of the 6th cent., as stated by Lücke, p. 990, and others, but of the 10th, according to Otto,
    and Harnack, in Altchristl. Liter., 1882, pp, 36 sqq.; his σύνοψις σχολική, ed. by J. A. Cramner,
    in his Catenae Graec. Patr. in N. T., Oxon., 1840, vol. VIII.; and in the works of Oecumenius);
    0ecumenius (10th cent., see Lücke, p. 991).
    (b) Rom. Cath.:Lud. Ab Alcasar (a Jesuit, 1614); Cornelius A Lapide (1662); Bossuet (1690, and
    in Oeuvres, vol. III., 1819); Bisping (1876).

A.D. 1-100.

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