History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100.

(Darren Dugan) #1


History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Philip Schaff

  • History of the Christian Church. .p. About This Book. .p. ii

    • Preface to the Revised Edition. .p.

    • From the Preface to the First Edition. .p.

    • Preface to the Third Revision. .p.

    • Contents. .p.

    • Addenda. .p.

      • Literature. .p.

      • Nature of Church History. .p.

      • Branches of Church History. .p.

      • Sources of Church History. .p.

      • Periods of Church History. .p.

      • Uses of Church History. .p.

      • Duty of the Historian. .p.

      • Literature of Church History. .p.

    • Preparation for Christianity in the History of the Jewish. .p.

      • Central Position of Christ in the History of the World. .p.

      • Judaism. .p.

      • The Law, and the Prophecy. .p.

      • Heathenism. .p.

      • Grecian Literature, and the Roman Empire. .p.

      • Judaism and Heathenism in Contact. .p.

    • Jesus Christ. .p.

      • Sources and Literature. .p.

      • The Founder of Christianity. .p.

      • Chronology of the Life of Christ. .p.

      • The Land and the People. .p.

      • Aprocyphal Traditions. .p.

      • The Resurrection of Christ. .p.

    • The Apostolic Age. .p.

      • Sources and Literature of the Apostolic Age. .p.

      • The Critical Reconstruction of the History of the Apostolic Age. .p.

      • Chronology of the Apostolic Age. .p.

    • St. Peter and the Conversion of the Jews. .p.

    • Baptism. .p.

    • he Lord's Supper. .p.

    • Sacred Places. .p.

    • Sacred Times--The Lord's Day. .p.

  • Organization of the Apostolic Church. .p.

    • Literature. .p.

    • The Christian Ministry, and its Relation to the Christian Community. .p.

    • Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists. .p.

      • p.

    • Deacons and Deaconesses. .p. Jerusalem.

    • Church Discipline. .p.

    • The Council at Jerusalem. .p.

    • The Church and the Kingdom of Christ. .p.

  • Theology of the Apostolic Church. .p.

    • Literature. .p.

    • Unity of Apostolic Teaching. .p.

    • Different Types of Apostolic Teaching. .p.

    • The Jewish Christian Theology--I. James and the Gospel of Law. .p.

    • II. Peter and the Gospel of Hope. .p.

    • The Gentile Christian Theology. Paul and the Gospel of Faith. .p.

    • John and the Gospel of Love. .p.

    • Heretical Perversions of the Apostolic Teaching. .p.

  • The New Testament. .p.

    • Literature. .p.

    • Rise of the Apostolic Literature. .p.

    • Character of the New Testament. .p.

    • Literature on the Gospels. .p.

    • The Four Gospels. .p.

    • The Synoptists. .p.

    • Matthew. .p.

    • Mark. .p.

    • Luke. .p.

    • John. .p.

    • Critical Review of the Johannean Problem. .p.

    • The Acts of the Apostles. .p.

    • The Epistles. .p.

    • The Catholic Epistles. .p.

    • The Epistles of Pau. .p.

    • The Epistles to the Thessalonians. .p.

      • The Epistles to the Corinthians. .p.

      • The Epistles to the Galatians. .p.

      • The Epistle to the Romans. .p.

      • The Epistles of the Captivity. .p.

      • The Epistle to the Colossians. .p.

      • The Epistle to the Ephesians. .p.

      • Colossians and Ephesians Compared and Vindicated. .p.

      • The Epistle to the Philippians. .p.

      • The Epistle to Philemon. .p.

      • The Pastoral Epistles. .p.

      • The Epistle To The Hebrews. .p.

      • The Apocalypse. .p.

      • Concluding Reflections. Faith and Criticism. .p.

  • Indexes. .p.

    • Subject Index. .p.

    • Index of Scripture References. .p.

    • Index of Citations. .p.

    • Index of Names. .p.

    • Greek Words and Phrases. .p.

    • Hebrew Words and Phrases. .p.

    • German Words and Phrases. .p.

    • French Words and Phrases. .p.

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