(Dana P.) #1

Jesús de la Peña Hernández

Fig. 24 is a sample of tessellation: it is one of the many you can construct with the fish.

We also see in the center of Fig 24 what I call a virtual tessera. To extend the tessella-
tion to the whole plane it ́s necessary to play with regular hexagons sided as the small or the
great side of the irregular hexagon in Fig. 24; those regular hexagons do not produce any vir-
tual tessera in the center.

CASE 1B: Penrose ́s tessellation.
This tessellation, studied by S. Turrión, is based upon two complementary tesserae
originated in Fig. 8 (Point 10.1.1). Present Fig. 1 shows a couple of each on the argentic rectangle of
said Fig. 8. Thus we can profit to the most the rectangle ́s area just in case we want to cut four tesserae.
Conway named them a dart and a kite after their shapes, and they complement each other in a rhomb.



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