(Dana P.) #1


He is a member of the AEP (Spanish Origami Association) and Dr. Electrome-
chanical Engineer (Madrid University). He is the Vice-president of the Creativity Com-
mittee and a fellow of the Committee of Terminology, both belonging to the IIE (Span-
ish Institute of Engineering)

He took courses in Engineering at the Universities of Birmingham
(UK) and Pittsburgh (PA). His professional activity was always developed in the fields
of projects, design, development, engineering and quality.

He has been professor of Quality and Reliability at the Higher School of Indus-
trial Engineers (Comillas University, Madrid) and has published, apart those books
mentioned in the Preface, the following: “Quality, Reliability” ; “Total Quality: a prac-
tical utopia”.

He has entered the field of poetry and composed these audiorama: “Madrid on
horseback”; “Children are like that”; “A museum of forged rail fences”; “Romanesque
architecture in the city of Soria”; “Mingote, an anthology of gesture”. The last one, en-
titled “Esopus” is a recreation of his fables supported with animal figures made out of

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