(Dana P.) #1

Jesús de la Peña Hernández

Fig. 3 is Fig.1 splitted out by translation, in two half-figures. In Fig. 4 those half-figures
appear folded to the final dihedral obtuse angles of 140º in (XO) and (- XO).

The two 3D half-figures of Fig. 4 are moved to fall in coincidence points D and points
E. Fig. 5 is the result.
To pass from Fig. 5 to final Fig. 2 we must revolve the half-figure at left an angle equal
to O ́FO about DE.
Being F the mid-point of DE, angle O ́FO measures the value of dihedral angle deter-
mined by planes O ́DE and ODE.
With the latter revolution O ́ will fall on O, and so we shall get final Fig. 2. Measuring
in said Fig. 2 we get: angle BCN = 113,329º, Ang. DOX = 123,597º, obtuse dihedral angle in
OX = 140º and Ang. O ́FO = 54,4823º. Ang. (–XOX) = 180 – Ang. O ́FO = 125,5177º.

Fig. 6 is Fig.2 led to total flattening.



E; D
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