Astronomy - USA (2021-12)

(Antfer) #1

Even though time has existed since the beginning

of, well, time, it was still necessary to invent it.



There are many ways to

ask, “What is the time?”

Astronomers can use solar

standard time, mean solar

time, sidereal time, Universal

Time, or Julian Date and its

many modified forms.

Astronomers describe three

different types of twilight, the

equation of time, 24 time

zones, and an astronomical

day. Understanding these dif-

ferent “times” gives us a better

idea of our relationship with

the sky above, and the spin-

ning Earth on which we live.

Early civilizations developed

two types of calendars. The

oldest is lunar in nature. It
might seem more logical for
the Sun to have been the first
timekeeper, but archaeologists
have found bones of mam-
moths and other animals
dating over 20,000 years old
that appear to have carvings
recording phases of the Moon.
During that period of human
history, hunters tracking
game needed to know how
long they had been gone from
their camp, making the Moon
the obvious choice to track
the passage of time.
It would be millennia
before the Sun replaced the
Moon in our modern calen-
dar. This is because Earth and
the Moon are involved in a

cosmic mashup that is diffi-
cult to untangle. Most ancient
cultures heralded the begin-
ning of the month when the
thin crescent or “New Moon”
could be seen after sunset.
There are 354 and a fraction
days in a lunar year with 12
lunar months. Earth, how-
ever, revolves around the Sun
every 365.242 days. While
this was not a problem in a
purely ceremonial or religious
calendar, trying to mesh these
two calendars was impossible.
The solution to this issue
was proposed by Sosigenes of
Alexandria, Cleopatra’s court
astronomer and arguably the
most inf luential astronomer
in all of history. Julius Caesar



been using the motions of the stars, Sun, and Moon for thousands of years

to regulate their hunting, crops, religion, and lives in every way. And as

astronomy developed, so did the need for more precise timekeeping.


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