Science - USA (2021-11-05)

(Antfer) #1

Enabling the next

generation of pioneering

interdisciplinary researchers


avid Br ̧ckner is a physicist who shifted from investigating clas-
sical mechanics to studying migrating cells at the interface of
physics and biology. His postdoc at the Institute of Science and
Technology Austria (IST Austria) is unusualóhe has two advisors,
one of whom specializes in theoretical biophysics and neuroscience and
one who works on experimental bioscience.

gence (AI) and machine learning. His postdoc at IST Austria also involves
a pair of mentors from disparate arenas. One of his principal investiga-
tors (PIs) focuses on computational neurotheory and neuroscience and
the other on experimental neurogenetics and molecular neuroscience.

Both scientists are funded by a new fellowship program inaugurated
by the NOMIS Foundation and situated at IST Austria that seeks to spark
high-risk/high-reward, vanguard science by investing in early-career
scholars whose work requires a merging of traditional disciplinary
boundaries. Br ̧ckner and Currin agree: The likelihood that they would
be able to do this type of inventive, cross-border, high-stakes research
at any other institution is low, as is the chance they could convince a


But here on the outskirts of Vienna, nestled on the edge of the Viennese
Alps, there is a new model for science erupting. At its core, it is a unique
mentorship approach that unites investigators from diverse specialties
with a distinct purpose: to transform science and the training of scien-
tists for the betterment of humanity.

IST Austria, established in 2009, is led by computer scientist
Thomas A. Henzinger. With only 67 professors and 250 students, it is
youthful enough to be agile and creative in its pursuits but mature

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campus,î says Henzinger. ìAs a young institute with a single, multidisci-
plinary Ph.D. program, we provide a unique atmosphere to foster basic
research across disciplines.î There are no departments, but individual
groups focus on different research topics. There are three essential rea-

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cooperation between groups is encouraged.

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ment in interdisciplinary investigations and early-career training
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the same entrepreneurial spirit endemic to the Instituteís culture by
supporting postdocs who have radical ideas. With an appreciation for


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complex ecosystem, the program provides research support and men-
toring for future trailblazers in interdisciplinary science.

IST Austria is the right place for these innovative funding mechanisms.
One of the founding principles of the Institute is interdisciplinarity. In
tailoring this fellowship to train postdoctoral scientists in interdiscipli-
nary research, IST Austria and the NOMIS Foundation are paving the way
for future thought leaders to navigate scienceís most complex grand
challenges, those which require creative insight and tools to converge

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Chris Currin,
NOMIS fellow

1105Product.indd 660 10/28/21 7:48 AM

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