(Kiana) #1
7 Glossary 7

of a lens to bring all the colors of light to focus at a
single point.
circumscribe In geometry, to draw a figure around
another figure so as to enclose the original figure and
touch as many points of it as possible.
coagulant A substance that aids a liquid in becoming
compendium A brief treatment or account of an
extensive subject; concise treatment.
congenital Relating to a condition present at birth.
consortium An association, union, or partnership.
cowl-flap Moveable doors on an airplane that control the
amount of air flowing through the engine compartment
to help cool the engine.
cystic fibrosis A disease of the exocrine glands that
affects the pancreas, respiratory system, and
sweat glands when glands produce an abnormally
viscous mucus.
determinism Philosophical doctrine in which all events
are inevitable consequences of previous conditions
and not the result of free will.
duodenum The first portion of the small intestine;
connects to the stomach.
emeritus Retaining a title after honorably retiring
from duties.
emphysema A chronic disease of the lungs in which the
air sacs become stretched and enlarged, decreasing
the capability to supply oxygen to the blood.
epochal Significant.
eunuch A castrated man, employed by Middle Eastern
and Chinese rulers from remote antiquity as a harem
guard or palace official.
geometer An expert in geometry, also known as a

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