7 Index 7
Audion vacuum tube, 182,
184–186, 205
Aus dem Nichts, 283
Autobiography, An, 103
Autobiography of Benjamin
Franklin, 39, 40, 47
automatic digital computer, 83,
84– 88
automatic pilot, 225
Automatopoietica, 24
automobile radio, 224, 225
azidothymidine (AZT), 264
Babbage, Charles, 14, 57, 83–88
backing links, 316
bacteriology, 35– 38
Bambi, 222
Barbier, Charles, 95
Bardeen, John, 253–257
Baroulcus, 26
Barrell, Bart G., 268–269
basketball, 161–162
Basov, Nikolay, 261, 262
Batchelor, Charles, 132–133
Bayle, Gaspard Laurent, 72
BCS theory of superconductivity,
256 –257
Beck, Joan, 252
Bell, Alexander Graham, 9, 10,
133, 138, 142–147, 150
Bell, Alexander Melville, 142–143
Bell, Chichester, 146
Bell, Mabel (Hubbard), 143,
145, 147
Belopoeica, 24, 25, 26
Benz, Karl, 124–127
Berg, Paul, 14, 264
Berliner, Emil, 150–151
Berliner, Henry, 151
Berners-Lee, Tim, 308–310
Bessemer, Sir Henry, 100–103
Bessemer converter, 100, 101–103
Bichat, Marie-François-Xavier, 72
bicycle, 106 –108, 127, 172–173
bifocal glasses, 11, 47
Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, 312
BINAC, 239 –240,
Binnig, Gerd, 280–283
Birdseye, Clarence, 196 –197
Black, James W., 263
Black, Joseph, 49
blasting cap, 110
Blenkinsop, John, 75
Blucher, 75
Bofors arms factory, 111
Bohr, Niels, 229, 241
Borel, Émile, 229
bottom-up approach in artificial
intelligence, 298
Boulton, Matthew, 49 –50
Bouton, Charles-Marie, 77–78
Braille, 94– 96
Braille, Louis, 94– 96
Brattain, Walter, 253–257
Braun, Ferdinand, 186
Braun, Wernher von, 257–261
Brin, Sergey, 315–317
Brooks, Rodney, 297–298
Brownlee, George G., 268–269
Buffett, Warren, 312
Bush, Vannevar, 274
Cai Lun, 14, 22–23
Cambrian Intelligence: The Early
History of the New AI, 298
camera lucida, 78
camera obscura, 78