(Kiana) #1
7 The 100 Most Influential Inventors of All Time 7

Campbell, Keith, 294–295, 297
carbon-button transmitter,
130, 133
carbon-14, 247–248
carbon dating, 246, 247–249
Carlson, Chester F., 233–234
carotid endarterectomy, 244
Carver, George Washington, 12,
156 –160
Carver, Moses, 157
Catoptrica, 24
cave art, 17, 19
celluloid, 113–115,
centrifugal governor, 51
Cerf, Vint, 286 –290
CERN, 309
Chanute, Octave, 149, 173, 176
charge, 45
Cheirobalistra, 24
Chibnall, Albert C., 266
Cinématographe, 11, 162–163
Circuli Magnitudine Inventa, De, 32
Clark University, 194
Clermont, 64, 65
clinical auscultation, 74
COBOL, 234
Cog, 298
Collinson, Peter, 45
Colt, Samuel, 103–105
computer bug, 236
computer memory, 270–272
computer mouse, 11, 274–275
condense, 45
conductor, 45
Congreve, Sir William, 70–71
Constitutional Convention, 38, 46
Cooper, James Fenimore, 81
Cooper, Leon, 256
Corbis, 312
Corkscrew, 279 –280

coronary artery bypass, 244
Corvisart des Marets, Jean-
Nicholas, 72
cotton gin, 10, 13, 66, 67– 68
Coulson, Alan, 269
Coventry, the, 107
Crawford, Francis Marion, 154
Crick, Francis, 268
Critical Path, 212
Cro-Magnon, 14, 17–19
curling iron, 120
cyclotron, 213–214

Dacron, 244
Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandé,
60, 77–79
daguerreotype, 77, 78–79
Daimler, Gottlieb, 124–127
Daylight Saving Time, 47
DDT, 10, 212–213
DeBakey, Michael, 244–245
Declaration of Independence,
38, 46
“Deep Freeze Preservation of
Boar Semen,” 291
Deere, Charles, 92
Deere, John, 91– 92
Definitiones, 24
De Forest, Lee, 182–186, 205
Delag, 117
De l’ausculation médiate, 73
Delvigne, Henri-Gustave, 93
Demologos, 64– 65
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),
14, 15, 268–270, 292
Descartes, René, 31–32
Dickson, William K.L., 139
Diesel, Rudolf, 155–156
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