7 The 100 Most Influential Inventors of All Time 7
Fischetti, Mark, 310
FIX, 296
Ford, Clara (Bryant), 165
Ford, Henry, 12, 13, 139, 163–168
Ford Motor Company, 166 –168
Forty-two-Line Bible, 30, 31
fractal Darwinism, 283
Franklin, Benjamin, 11, 38–48
Franklin, Deborah (Read), 40,
41, 42–43
Franklin, Franky, 43
Franklin, James, 39, 40
Franklin, Sarah, 43
Franklin, William, 42–43
Franklin stove, 47
frequency modulation (FM)
system, 204, 206 –207
frozen food, 196 –197
Fuchs, Klaus, 242
Fuller, Margaret, 207
Fuller, R. Buckminster, 207–212
Fulton, Robert, 61– 65
Furnas, Charles, 179
Fust, Johann, 28–31
Galvani, Luigi, 55
game theory, 228, 229, 231, 232
Gamow, George, 241
gasoline-engine automobile,
124–127, 165–168
Gates, Bill, 310–313
Gates, Melinda, 312
Gatling, Richard J., 105–106
Gatling gun, 105–106
genetics, 232
Geodaesia, 24
geodesic dome, 207–208, 210
Geometrica, 24
G4, 303
Gilbert, Walter, 14, 264
glider, 149 –150, 173, 175, 176 –177
Goddard, Robert, 12, 192–196,
259 –260
Goodyear, Charles, 12, 89 – 91
Google, Inc., 314–317
Gould, Gordon, 262
Gould, Jay, 132
Graf Zeppelin, 118
gramophone, 150–151
graphical user interface,
274–275, 301
graphophone, 146
Gravettian industry, 18
groupware, 274–275
Guggenheim Fund for the
Pro motion of
Aeronautics, 195
Gum-Elastic and Its Varieties, 91
Gutenberg, Johannes, 11, 26 –31
gyroscopic lead-computing
gunsight, 216
gyroscopic navigation, 216 –217
Hammer, William J., 137
Hayes, Rutherford B., 10
Hayward, Nathaniel M., 90
Heisenberg, Werner, 228, 229
helicopter, 15, 151, 197, 198–201
heliography, 60
Notariatsinstrument, 28
Heron of Alexandria, 23–26
Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf, 183, 187
heterodyne principle, 170, 204